Tuesday, 21.01.2025, 05:20
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Antiquity - the architecture of ancient Greece and Rome. Ancient Greek architecture, which arose on the islands of the Aegean Sea was so harmonious and holistic, which subsequently was seen by later styles (Renaissance, classicism, neoclassicism) as the source, as a standard to follow.
Unlike the Egyptians, the Greeks were not religious dogmatists. This was a talented, funny and cheerful people. They, of course, were the gods, but they were so "humanized" that had all the vices inherent in man - stupidity, greed, gluttony, and so on. snovyvayas on the mythology, it is naive personified forces of nature, Greek art was in fact quite realistic.
The early period of development of ancient architecture (up to V in. BC. E.) Called archaic. On the ruins of the Mycenaean cities destroyed by Doric tribes, the conquerors, a new culture. In the Bronze Age temples have not yet been built. In place of palaces and fortresses by the numerous temple structures. Beautiful statues of the Olympian gods erected a magnificent and luxurious home than the old primitive idols. Secular construction receded into the background.
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