Tuesday, 21.01.2025, 02:14
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Greek architecture of the epoch archaic form preserved megaron Mycenaean period. Megaron, ruler of the house, became a sanctuary, but the building material was still the same - wood and clay. In the first half of the VIII century. there is a temple plan's foundation is made ​​Mycenaean Megaron. The temple was built of adobe and wooden gable roof is covered. During this period, formed Layout Map, which formed the basis for the subsequent architecture of ancient temples and the environment which is characterized by the bulk of the temple colonnade.
The concept of "ancient art" first appeared in the XV century. in Italy, when the anti-thousand-year tradition of the medieval church firmly established a new, filled with faith in the beauty and value of human culture of the Renaissance.

Its creators turned to the wonderful creations of ancient Greece and Rome. This great civilization of the ancient world they called classical (from the Latin word "antikvus" - "old"). Subsequently, the term "ancient art" firmly entrenched in European culture.

Masterpieces, created by talented masters of the ancient world, for centuries inspired poets, composers, playwrights and artists all over Europe, and today continues to give us artistic pleasure and to serve as the norm and unattainable model.

Artistic heritage of ancient Greece and ancient Rome - Architecture, sculpture, painting, arts and crafts, and jewelry - and the rich and fascinating variety. It clearly expressed aesthetic views, moral ideals and tastes characteristic of the ancient civilization, which completed a long history of the ancient world. Creators of ancient culture were the ancient Greeks called themselves Hellenes and their country - Hellas.

Ancient history of Greece and the initial period of culture up to the second third of the last century, were known only from legend. To the knowledge of this period played an important role excavations conducted by Schliemann in the 1870-1890 years. in Troy, Mycenae and Tiryns. It was discovered the art, which developed the first half of the second millennium BC. Oe. along with the art of the New Kingdom period in Egypt.

It is a dramatic art, whose works were found in Egypt (which is indicative of the busiest areas of contact with the outside world), belongs to the Mycenaean culture. At the beginning of the XX century. A. Evans discovered at Knossos another, earlier than the Mycenaean, and culture - Crete. It is sometimes called "minosskoy" (the name of the legendary king - Minos).

Culture of the Aegean world: the island of Crete with the cities of Knossos, Festus, Triad, dozens of smaller islands, Mycenae, Tiryns, the Balkan Peninsula and the coast of Asia Minor (Troy), which refers to the emergence of the third millennium BC. Oe. reaches the second millennium, a high level. It establishes the historical connection between early cultures of East and antiquity, is the first mature European civilization in ancient history.

Opening of the Aegean civilization - one of the most outstanding achievements of archeology late XIX-early XX century.
Even before the birth of Greek culture in the Eastern Mediterranean in the III-II millennium BC. Oe. there was its predecessor - Aegean civilization, the most important centers of which were legendary Troy, celebrated the great Greek poet Homer in "Iliad," the island of Crete and "zlatoobilny" city of Mycenae in the Peloponnese.
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